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VIT Instructor Evaluation 2020 at Murner See
12 Oct 2020
by Christian Jobst

From 2 Oct 2020 to 11 Oct 2020, this year's VIT instructor evaluation took place at Murner See in the Oberpfalz in cooperation with the Freitagstaucher and the Tauchershop Pohl. Through an intensive and extensive preparatory seminar by our instructor trainers from the Freitagstaucher, the participants were optimally prepared in advance for their upcoming exam.

On Friday 2 Oct 2020 our TL* candidate Michael Beer and our two TL** candidates Christian Jobst and David Schacknies finally got going. This day was mainly under the sign of the theoretical performance certificate and the technical lectures of the candidates. But they also had to prove their physical performance in the form of a performance test. Among other things, it was necessary to snorkel a distance of 3000 meters within an hour and cover a distance of 50 meters in apnea. The day began with the written proof of performance, followed immediately by the performance test and finally the specialist presentations. This tight and demanding supporting program on the first day laid the foundation for the further course of the examination.

On Saturday, the practical preparatory dives and exercises on the living object followed - i.e. on the student diver. A total of nine student divers were involved here, who passed various certifications, such as the VIT Dive Master***, as part of the diving instructor evaluation. Each diving instructor candidate completed 4 preparatory and 6 exam dives and was assessed and trained by the three examiners Josef Grimm, Udo Schacknies and Florian Dams. On Sunday, 11 Oct 2020, the VIT presidium awarded the certificates to the newly qualified VIT diving instructors.

We congratulate Michael Beer on passing the exam for VIT diving instructor* and Christian Jobst and David Schacknies for VIT diving instructor**. We thank you for your commitment and wish you many eventful, successful and, above all, accident-free training dives! Our thanks also go to the Tauchershop Pohl and the Freitagstaucher for the organization and provision of infrastructure and logistics!